Service Desk
The Service Desk serves as a single point-of-contact for all of your technology needs. When you have questions or concerns relating to any of our supported technologies, we will provide the tools and services to assist you.
Contact us by phone, in person, or submit an online support ticket:
814-949-5356, Option 2
Walk-in location: 234 Hawthorn Building
Submit a Support Ticket
Hours of Operation
Walk-in Support
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Phone Support
24/7 (excluding University holidays)
Loaner Laptops
The Service Desk has a limited number of loaner laptops available by request for faculty and staff. They can be utilized for short term travel, meetings, or presentations. They may also be used a temporary machine when your primary desktop or laptop is being serviced.
Both Dell and Mac options are available and will include a standard set of software. Chromebooks with access to cloud applications and resources, such as Office 365, are also available. To request a loaner laptop please contact the Service Desk by phone, in person, or by submitting an online support ticket.
Other Resources
Canvas can be used for course management, sharing documents, submitting assignments, assigning grades, and more.
LionPATH is Penn State’s information system which provides access to academic, registration, and financial records.
The Service Request Forms page includes forms that can be used to request various services offered by Penn State Altoona IT.